" Mycontactform.com really helped our business when we first started our website. Now we use it as a valuable, safe resource to keep in touch with our customers. It allows us to easily create forms and update them. We sincerely appreciate your site. Without it, we would have had to spend countless dollars on less-than-efficient forms. Thank you for an invaluable communication resource! "
Joseph Jackowitz, President & CEO
1. Once you are logged in to the site, click the button on the right navigation bar that says Form Management. This is the default location you are taken to when you login.
2. You will see the name of the form you have created and next to it will be a link that says Xtras. Click this link.
3. Click the link that says File Attachment Fields.
4. Follow all on-screen instructions.
Note: Only Premium Members can add File Attachment Fields to their forms.