Using contact forms to connect you with your site users since 2004.

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" I just want to say what a fantastic system you have. I have been using your forms for nearly 2 years and never had a problem with them. I love all the extras. Since I started to use the CAPTCHA I no longer get junk emails. I now use your forms on all the sites I build. Well done on such a great system. "

Buster Keanan

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How can I find out what my form submittal quota is?

Once you have logged in to the site click the button on the right navigation bar that says Form Management (this is the default page you are taken to when you login to the site). Towards the bottom of this page you will see the words Form Submittal Quota Information. Under this heading, it shows what your form submittal quota is, how many submittals you have used for each form during the current month, and the number of submittals you have remaining.