Using contact forms to connect you with your site users since 2004.

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" Your program is perfect. The form creator my server company provided was overly complicated and simplistic. Most of the other programs on the internet were the same or just too expensive. After I found your program, I stopped looking. It does exactly what I need for all different types of applications. I will probably end up buying a membership it is so good. "


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It says I need to specify who the form submittal should be sent to?

Potential causes for this error are:

1. The submitter of the form did not select who that the form should be sent to. If there was no option on the form to select who the form should be sent to, it means that the form has either not been configured correctly, or the latest version of the form's HTML needs to be pasted to your web page.
2. The form has not been configured correctly. Click here to see how to re-configure the send to address.
3. The form does not have the latest version of the html for the form. Click here for instructions on how to obtain the latest version of your form's HTML to paste to your web page.