Using contact forms to connect you with your site users since 2004.

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" At first, we used MyContactForm so members of our St. Maarten website,, were "forced" to send us all the info we require to advertise timeshare weeks they offer for rent or for sale. That has been a huge time savings for us. We also create many sites through and our monitoring showed a lot of spam inquiries. We are using you in an increasing number of sites to make the process run smoothly and virtually eliminate spam. Your forms are easy to create, easily upgradeable, and the data goes wherever we want it to go. We already know that if we ever bust through your high quotas, no worries; memberships are so inexpensive we'll just buy another. Love the program from every perspective, THANK YOU! "


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How can I remove the e-mail address field from my forms?

The software automatically generates an e-mail address field for all forms. While we recommend that you leave this field on your forms, you can manually remove the field in an external HTML editor by doing the following:

1. Login to and copy and paste the form HTML to your local webpage.
2. Within your local HTML editor, manually delete the table row that contains the email address field. The code you want to delete should look something like this:

<tr><td><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Arial"><b> E-mail Address:<font color="#FF0000"> *</font></b></font></td><td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="20" maxlength="100" class="fieldstyle"></td></tr>

3. Replace this code with a new hidden field where the Name and ID is email and the Value is Your Email Address. This code should look something like the following, and should be inserted in place of the code you removed above:

<input name="email" type="hidden" id="email" value="">

If done correctly, your form's will now be sent from whatever address you specify in the hidden email field, and your form users will not need to submit their email address.