Using contact forms to connect you with your site users since 2004.

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" We use your web form on our site in order to gather important information from our clients. The form service you provide is extremely simple and straightforward to use - and even easier to manage. We were able to integrate the form on our site through customizing both font and color schemes. We highly recommend using this service! "


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How do I get the HTML for my form?

1. Once you are logged in to the site, click the button on the right navigation bar that says Form Management. This is the default location you are taken to when you login.
2. You will see the name of the form you have created and next to it will be a link that says Get HTML. Click this link.
3. You will be taken to a new page that displays the HTML for your form. Simple copy this HTML code and paste it to your webpage where you would like your form displayed.